

AIC has stopped offering NCUK programmes from January 2024


AIC has stopped offering NCUK programmes from January 2024 and introduced our diploma programmes in business and engineering pathways instead, starting from October 2023. The DITT and DBP programmes are purposefully designed to prepare our students for EU-wide universities to study Business ( DBP) and Engineering (DITT). Admissions are open for the next academic year, to learn more, visit our website.

AIC has stopped offering NCUK programmes from January 20242024-01-19T23:41:10+01:00

Tudósítás az Avicenna Nemzetközi Karácsonyi Kiállítás és Vásár 2023 december 8-i megnyitó ünnepségéről


Az Avicenna Holding első alkalommal megrendezett Avicenna Nemzetközi Karácsonyi Kiállítás és Vásárának megnyitó ünnepsége, 2023. December 8.- án, 16.00 órától vette kezdetét a cégcsoporthoz tartozó Avicenna International College fogadásokra is alkalmas nagy előadótermében. A  Tisztelet Társasága által is felkarolt rendezvény közel százötven meghívott vendége között olyan külföldi személyiségek is megtiszteltek bennünket, mint Bashar Samara úr, a Szíriai Arab Köztársaság budapesti nagykövetségének ügyvivője, valamint Jimmi Albert Andrade Colorado úr, a Venezuelai Bolivár Köztársaság budapesti nagykövetségének ideiglenes ügyvivője és több más diplomata. A megnyitó beszédek és magas rangú felszólalások sora Dr. Shahrokh MirzaHosseini, az Avicenna Holding és az Avicenna International [...]

Tudósítás az Avicenna Nemzetközi Karácsonyi Kiállítás és Vásár 2023 december 8-i megnyitó ünnepségéről2023-12-14T19:39:24+01:00

Opening Ceremony of the First Avicenna International Christmas Exhibition and Fair 2023


The opening ceremony of the Avicenna International Christmas Exhibition and Fair, organized for the first time by Avicenna Holding, commenced on December 8, 2023, in the large lecture hall of the Avicenna International College, which is part of the company group and is also suitable for prestigious events. Among the nearly one hundred and fifty invited guests of the ceremony, which was also supported by the Society of Honor, we were honored by such foreign dignitaries as Mr. Bashar Samara, Chargé d'affaires of the Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic in Budapest, and Mr. Jimmi Albert Andrade Colorado, Chargé d'affaires [...]

Opening Ceremony of the First Avicenna International Christmas Exhibition and Fair 20232023-12-14T15:54:50+01:00

Az Avicenna Nemzetközi Karácsonyi Vásár kulturális programja


December 09-én, szombaton A Trigatu indiai tánccsoport szórakoztatja vendégeit 15.00 órai kezdettel, mely 25 perces előadásában végigvezet minket legalább többféle indiai táncstíluson a klasszikustól a progresszív modernig. Majd az ezt követő tíz perces vietnámi klasszikus tánc bűvöli el két táncos hölgy kecsességével nézőit, a Vietnámi Nagykövetséggel felvett kapcsolatunk eredményeként. A fellépők sorát az Avicenna International College Két tanítási Nyelvű diákjainak fél órás zenés, táncos műsora zárja. December 08-án Nyitó Nap: Az ünnepélyes megnyitó és a szalag ünnepélyes elvágása után 17.00-kor a meghívott vendégek megtekintik az 500 nm-es karácsonyi pavilonban a nyitó előadásokat, mely a hiedelem szerint [...]

Az Avicenna Nemzetközi Karácsonyi Vásár kulturális programja2023-12-10T12:37:16+01:00

STEAM Explorers Programme for Group Mobility Organized in Foligno, Italy


Eight students with their accompanying teacher from AIC participated in an Erasmus+ group activity in Nocera Umbra, Italy hosted by Istituto Omnicomprensivo Dante Alighieri. The group gathered early Sunday morning in Budapest airport before taking off to Italy’s Roma Ciampino airport. After landing, the group had lunch in the airport before riding a Flixbus heading to Foligno where two representatives of the hosting organization were waiting for our arrival, Luisa and Alessio. The group enjoyed the picturesque scenes of Umbria mountainous regions during the bus drive which took a little more than two hours. Upon arrival in Foligno, [...]

STEAM Explorers Programme for Group Mobility Organized in Foligno, Italy2023-11-30T10:57:28+01:00

1st Erasmus group mobility at AIC in the 2023-24 Academic Year – Nocera Umbra


Avicenna International College (AIC) is an international institution accredited by the Hungarian Government (accreditation number: OM-201799) and several international accreditation bodies like Cambridge Assessment, College Board, FEDE, Pearson Edexcel, and NCUK. AIC is an elite educational institute located in the heart of Budapest, near prestigious universities such as Semmelweis University, ELTE, CORVINUS, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and the University of Public Administration.  1AIC started its activities in 1995 by providing short courses for medical students studying in Budapest at Semmelweis University. Later, it developed its courses, and as far as today on the 27th year [...]

1st Erasmus group mobility at AIC in the 2023-24 Academic Year – Nocera Umbra2024-01-05T14:54:33+01:00

Celebrating Success: Avicenna Students Triumph in Caribou Mathematics Competition


In a remarkable display of mathematical prowess, students from Avicenna’s Tehran campus have soared to new heights in the prestigious Caribou Mathematics Competition. Demonstrating exceptional skill and dedication, our students clinched the first rank in the second round of the competition, outperforming peers from 26 countries across the globe.

Celebrating Success: Avicenna Students Triumph in Caribou Mathematics Competition2023-11-22T12:17:05+01:00

Outdoor Education


Outdoor Education Erasmus's mobility course was provided by Alpha School of English located in Arznell Street, Saint Paul's Bay, Malta, SPB 3232.The course starts from 08.30 until 13.30 everyday.The original course offer by the provider was Survival skill for Administration.However, on the 31st of August 2023, ten (10) days before the course started, We received an email from the provider that due to the less interest participant in the course which I chose previously, Survival Skill for Administration, they can not held the course, instead of that they give two (2) options of the course.The course options were:Outdoor Education (11th-15th of [...]

Outdoor Education2024-11-25T11:09:38+01:00

Erasmus group mobility at AIC in the 2023-24 Academic Year, Nocera Umbra


Erasmus group mobility at AIC in the 2023-24 Academic Year Accompanying teacher and Erasmus coordinator Steve SzabóWe embarked on our first Erasmus group mobility on 15 October with 8 carefully selected AIC students from grade 11 and 12. It was going to be the very last trip for our 12 graders. Our photographer Mr Reza also accompanied us on this one week- long, very busy and rewarding, promising travel-and-study trip to the Green Heart of Italy, Umbria, to a little, green hilltop town Nocera Umbra. On our arrival to Ciampino Airport we took a shuttle bus to the centre of Rome, [...]

Erasmus group mobility at AIC in the 2023-24 Academic Year, Nocera Umbra2024-12-06T08:50:23+01:00

STEAM Explorers Program for Group Mobility Organized in Foligno, Italy, (Oct. 2023)


STEAM Explorers Program for Group Mobility Eight students with their accompanying teacher from AIC participated in an Erasmus+ group activity in Nocera Umbra, Italy hosted by Istituto Omnicomprensivo Dante Alighieri. The group gathered early Sunday morning in Budapest airport before taking off to Italy’s Roma Ciampino airport.After landing, the group had lunch in the airport before riding a Flixbus heading to Foligno where two representatives of the hosting organization were waiting for our arrival, Luisa and Alessio. The group enjoyed the picturesque scenes of Umbria mountainous regions during the bus drive which took a little more than two hours. Upon arrival [...]

STEAM Explorers Program for Group Mobility Organized in Foligno, Italy, (Oct. 2023)2024-12-06T08:50:57+01:00
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