
Dr. Shahrokh Mirza Hosseini
Founding President
Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
Board Member of Federation for European Education
Managing Director

Dr. Arash Mirzahosseini
Managing Director of AIC, Chemistry, Research Methodology
I am Dr. Arash Mirzahosseini, managing director of AIC and I also hold an assistant professor position at Semmelweis University, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. I teach Chemical Sciences to Medical students and Research Methodology to Pre-Masters and Pre-PhD students, therefore I always have a mathematical and physical sciences approach to how Chemistry is taught. I hope your academic activities at AIC brings you success and the joy of always learning new things.
Our Colleagues

Mr. Steve Szabó
Biology, Principal
My name is Steve Szabó, at AIC I hold the position of school principal. I also teach Biology to high school students and Biological Sciences such as Cell and Molecular Biology, Genetics, Immunology and Physiology to medical foundation students ( AMFP). Besides, I manage Erasmus programmes for students and teaching colleagues. Following the good traditions, rigorous working ethics, high quality teaching and programme delivery here at the AIC, in the very heart of Europe, our team and I, are dedicated to work towards the precious goals of giving our students the possibility to find a place at universities in Hungary, in the UK, Italy and Germany after our high school or foundation courses. I am looking forward to welcoming you on our beautiful Budapest Campus!

Ms. Andrea Juhász
Hungarian Language and Literature – History of Art and Drama
My name is Andrea Juhász. I am the Vice Principal and I also teach Hungarian Grammar and Literature and Drama. My personal aim the students can discover the layers of the literary texts and through these they can develop their own personalities. I like to teach the History of Arts and the structure of the Hungarian Grammar too because these knoweldge lead them developing their analytical skills.

Mr. Harout Parseghian
Biology – A Level
I am Harout Parseghian, a biology teacher in the High School Program at AIC. I also hold the position of an Examination Officer for the International A Levels and IGCSEs offered by the Pearson Edexcel examination board. I also enjoy teaching biology for the post-secondary education which is a foundation program called Avicenna Diploma in Pre-medical Studies (ADPS). My main aim is to help students who are from different backgrounds, age groups, and potentials to reach to mastering knowledge and understanding. As for the ADPS program, I try to have a tailor-made classes to assist them to in the best possible way so that they can perform well in their entrance exams for medical universities. To accomplish this goal, I routinely use animations that can enhance their understanding and at a later stage let them practice explaining some topics themselves since that is how they can recall what they study in their interviews. As for the High School program students, whenever possible I try to introduce practical sessions to make the lesson more fun and memorable from using microscopes, performing dissection among others. My motto in teaching is to go down to whatever level a pupil is at and by providing the essential scaffolding help the student achieve gradually to a better understanding which would guarantee success.

Mr. János Kovács
Advisor to the President, Director for International Cooperation
As a former carrier diplomat during my 30 years in the Hungarian Foreign Service and in the field of Parliamentary Diplomacy, I collected first handed experience in the field of bilateral and multilateral diplomacy from West Africa through Asia and up to the Far East. I started my career from the beginning of the professional ladder and during those three decades, I successfully reached the position of Ambassador. Upon its President’s request, I joined the Avicenna Group in April 2021, where I have been assigned to further strengthen and widen the international relations of this institution, as well as to take advantage of my business network and professional capital for enhancing the Avicenna group to to expand its scope of international cooperation, to broaden its high standard services and to widen its range of activities.

Ms. Mónika Antoni
My name is Monika Antoni, I have been working at Avicnna since 2018. I am dealing with recording financial transactions based on the systems. I am also producing financial forecasts, dealing with salaries, invoices, expenses and VAT. Resolving payment questions for external contractors is also part of my job.
Students and Parents can meet me to pay their parental tuition contribution fees.

Mr. Győző Szikora
ATLAS Project Coordinating Manager, IT System Manager, Facility Manager

Ms. Panteha Mirzahosseini
As a Student Center Manager, one of my main tasks includes managing the different steps of application and admission procedures for our prospective students. I am committed to enhancing efficiency, maintaining a professional standard, and ensuring a seamless experience for all applicants.
Consider me as your reliable partner in this incredible journey of academic and personal growth . Beyond my regular responsibilities,I am inclined to invest in creating a space that feels like home—a place where you find not just resources, but genuine support, encouragement, and a sense of belonging. Making sure of a community where each student’s aspirations are thoughtfully channeled into a personalized path of success.

Ms. Tri Vera Indah Csányi
Student Center Administrator
My name is Csányi Tri Vera Indah (Ms.Putri), working in a multicultural environment is one of my passions.Joining Avicenna since 6 years ago has brought me a lot of experiences and learning new things. I am assisting the students in person and online at the student center, managing their general administration, and preparing the official documents. I am also assisting in the admission procedure for prospective students. As dedicated and equipped with excellent communication skills my passion lies in fostering an inclusive and supportive environment where every student’s journey is not only valued but enhanced, empowering them to thrive academically and personally. See you soon in the Student Center of Avicenna!

Ms. Damyanti Pal
Student Counselor, Indian Helpdesk Coordinator, Student Center Administrator
“In every interaction, let kindness be your language and understanding be your response” I believe that these personality traits align well with my role as Student Center Administrator and Student Counselor.As the Student Center Administrator and Counselor at Avicenna College for the past five years, I have embraced a journey of continuous learning and growth.My role as Student Councelor involves helping our students to navigate various aspects of their academic journey and addressing concerns related to administrative procedures.As the Indian Helpdesk Coordinator, I provide support to Indian and Nepalese students, promoting a culturally inclusive environment. In my role as the Student Center Administrator, I manage day to day administrative tasks with dedication, ensuring a centralized hub for student resources. I am Committed to enriching ensuring a welcoming and enriching environment throughout their academic journey as our students’ comfort and success are our priorities.

Dr. László Kocsis
Chemistry, Physiology, Biology, Scientific authorship
I am Dr. László Kocsis, a chemistry teacher at AIC, I also hold the position of associate professor at Semmelweis University, Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Morphology and Physiology. I teach applied and basic chemistry, scientific authorship, physiology and hazardous materials. My approach to chemistry is practical, then we investigate why things work the way they do and find mathematical relationships and patterns as explanation, thus a better understanding is gained, lesser mechanical memorization is required. I make things fun and enjoyable. It’s quite rewarding when I see my kids become my colleagues.

Mr. László Maróti
Physical Education
Welcome everyone! I work at Avicenna High School as a teacher of physical education and as a vice principal. Every day I try to give my best to the development of the students. To set an example of humanity and support them. Sport is a great tool in this approach, which is why I try to organise a variety of leisure activities here at school.

Ms. Zita Bercsényi
Student Center Administrator, High School Secretary
My name is Zita Bercsényi and I work as the secretary of the high school in Avicenna. I manage all the Hungarian official documentation of the high school, and I also support the work of the principal, vice-principals, and teachers. I graduated as a librarian from ELTE university. I enjoy reading historical and crime novels, but biographies and historical books are also my favorites. I am also a big fan of movies, I have a great collection of them. I have been working in Avicenna International College since November 2021, and I really like the international atmosphere of our institute. My aim is to give the best support to my colleagues, and to our students.

Dr. Abdorreza Panahi
Mathematics, Physics, and IT
I am Dr. Abdorreza Panahi, a Mathematics, Physics, and IT teacher at AIC, and a Mathematics lecturer at BME. I have tutored students preparing them for entrance examinations like STEP, MAT, IMAT, BMAT, CTMUA, and SAT in mathematics and critical thinking parts, in addition to holding tutoring lessons as preparation for International Advanced Level in Mathematics, Physics, and IT subjects. I hold Mathematics, Physics, and C Programming Language classes for the Technical Foundation Programme at AIC and help the students prepare for technical universities. Besides, I hold an IT workshop for Erasmus visits at AIC.

Mr. József Jánosi
Physical Education and Geography
My name is József Jánosi. I work for AIC as a P.E. and Geography teacher. I also manage the immigration cases. My aim is to help students understand coinsidences in the geography science and educate them for the healthy lifestyle. Seeing them becoming a mature person always makes me feel good. As a teacher I try to give them usefull and practical knowledge and I am always open for their problems and for uplifting converstions.

Mr. András Madarassy
Visual culture (Drawing, History of art)
My name is Andrew Madarassy. I’m a painter, but I teach in three school too. Nagyon fontosnak tartom, hogy a gyermeki kor rajzolási, alkotási kedvét, kifejezési vágyát megőrizzük. Örülnék ha a rajz a többi tárgy között megtalálná a megfelelő helyét. A kiegyensúlyozott személyiségfejlődéshez elengedhetetlen lenne, hogy a bal agyféltekét “mozgató” – tárgyak között a vizualitás – mint jobb-agyféltekés tevékenység elnyerje megfelelő helyét, különösen ma, amikor annyi képpel van dolgunk a hétköznapokban (reklámok, digitális eszközök, stb.) Ehhez igyekszem hozzásegíteni a diákokat, az európai művészet ismeretén keresztül is. Kifejezett előnynek tartom az Iskolában a különböző kultúrák együttes jelenlétét, hiszen a vizualitás, mint a szépség megjelenítője, kultúrák feletti, egyetemes nyelv.

Ms. Zsuzsa Bozai
Mathematics and Physics
My name is Zsuzsa Bozai, I have been teaching Mathemathics and Physics at AIC since 2003. I participate in Medical and Technical Foundation Program and give aid our students to prepare for their entrance exam and to get into top universities. I also teach high school students and lead them to their final exams successfuly. My goal is to make maths understandable by encouraging my students to use critical thinking and improve their problem solving skills, instead of memorising a plenty of formulas to find connections among things.

Ms. Enikő Tóth
My name is Enikő Tóth, I have been teaching Mathematics in AIC since 2020. Recently I teach only in Grade 11. As a teacher, my aim is to guide students to undertand mathematics. I help students to build their confidence in Mathematics and to improving their problem solving skills. My most important goal is to encourage students by showing them that Mathematics is a tool, not an enemy.

Dr. Ferenc Zsigri
Business studies, Economics
I spent over two decades in upper management. The nature of organizations fascinated me immensely. Therefore, I did a PhD. in organizational behavior. Here is what I experienced. Things in life are often not as they ‘should be’ and not even what they seem to be. This is especially true in business. Do not trust appearances. Answers are easy. The tricky part is to ask the proper questions. If you are curious and know how to formulate the right question, only then you may start to see the unobvious truths. I can teach you asking business questions.

Dr. Katalin Kiss
Teacher of English for Academic Purposes, Business English
I am Dr. Katalin Kiss, a Senior Lecturer in Business English at Budapest Business School (BBS) Faculty of International Management and Business, Department of Languages for International Business. I hold a Ph.D. degree in Linguistics and also an MA in Economics. I have been a permanent member of the teaching staff at BBS since 2000 delivering a variety of Business English courses and teaching modules such as English for Marketing, Management, Accounting, Logistics and other courses, among others, Negotiation Skills, Presentation Skills, and English for the Media at both undergraduate and master’s levels. I also hold a certified Business English Examiner status. As a faculty member at AIC, I have been lecturing in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) in the NCUK- International Foundation Year Business Stream program. I hope I can help make language learning enjoyable for you at AIC Study Centre.

Dr. Sándor Katz
Human Anatomy
I am Dr. Sándor Katz, anatomy lecturer at AIC. As a medical doctor and university senior lecturer of anatomy, histology and embryology, my goal is for the students to get to know the structures of human body as much as possible and to understand its functioning through interesting clinical cases, thereby facilitating a successful entrance exam.

Mr. Máté Jolánkai
History, English, Civilisation of the English speaking World
At a relatively early age, I recognised education as the only effective way to try to solve local and global problems and keep human civilisation flourish. Among all, I find teaching the universal and local culture of humanity to pupils at a sensitive age the most important issue. I graduated at Pázmány Péter Catholic University in History and English. I also worked as a tourist guide, a museologist, an ethnographist, in Hungary, the Netherlands and Italy, but I have been teaching History and Civilisation of the English Speaking World in bilingual schools of Budapest for 15 years. I hope I can still make my students curious, since that is the most a teacher can achieve.

Mr. Milutin Buncic
English language
I’m passionate about languages and eager to help my students learn and fall in love with learning. Learning can be lots of fun. Besides being an English teacher I’m also professional translator and a Life Coach. I have been teaching English to students of all ages and professional backgrounds. Currently I’m also teaching Business English in couple of companies, and preparing some students for their exams.

Mr. Károly Sugár
German language
I am Károly Sugár, a teacher of German language at Avicenna, Budapest, Hungary. I have been teaching this really logical language at this institution for two years now. I find building up a friendly atmosphere in my lessons extremely important. My ultimate goal as a teacher of a foreign language is to encourage my students to express their own ideas using all the knowledge they get throughout the academic year. It is a wonderful feeling to be part of your lives in achieving your goals in Europe.

Mr. Vlada Vlaskalic
English language and communication skills
I have been teaching English since 1992, and I am still very passionate about it as I love watching students making progress and getting to the next level, and then the one above. I am very fond of languages, and apart from English, I speak a few Slavonic languages, e.g. Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, etc. I am also fluent in Hungarian, and I know some French and Italian. On top of the necessary portion of hard work, I hope my enthusiasm comes across in the classroom and that it will help you in your future academic endeavours.

Ms. Hanieh Rezaei
Physics and Mathematics
My name is Hanieh Rezaei. I am an IBDP and A-Level Physics and Mathematics teacher. I’ve been teaching in international schools since 2014. Teaching is my passion specially when it comes to practical teaching which makes a great bonding between science and students attitude towards life. As a Physics teacher I believe by knowing the foundation of any concept, you can get involved with the numbers and calculations. What’s more is that learning takes hardwork and practice.

Ms. Veronika Bernhardt
Hungarian as a second language, Russian language
I teach Hungarian as a foreign language and Russian. I started teaching after finishing ELTE. I have taught in a high school, at different language schools and companies. I think I am very lucky since my job is my hobby. It’s wonderful to witness the students’ development. My students are normally from Europe and the USA. At Avicenna I have experienced working with Asian learners which is sometimes a real challenge. However it’s a great opportunity to explore new cultures. I hope I can convince my students that they are able to acquire this difficult but beautiful language.

Mr. Mihály Forgács
German language, Russian language
I am motivated by challenges at work which I have absolutely found at Avicenna. I graduated as a German and Russian teacher more than 25 years ago. During this time, I have gained broad experience through teaching diverse age groups and nationalities at different levels. I see myself as an open minded positive thinker. My primary aim is to make students fall in love with the language of their choice and its culture. I really want to make the learning process an exciting experience for them. I am constantly trying to improve my skills, my latest passion is the Spanish language.

Ms. Mónika Posch
English language – Art History
Hi, I am Monika Posch, an English as a Foreign Language and Art History teacher for Avicenna International College. I really enjoy teaching in our multicultural school environment. I am also a certified Travel Guide and I have a great passion for opening windows to the World by integrating European art, history, music, architecture into my daily teaching routine. My major goal is to establish a great relationship with my students and help them to succeed:))

Ms. Szvetlana Antyipina
Teacher of English and Hungarian as a foreign language
Over almost 20 years of going down this career path, I have never stopped wondering how many horizons languages can open – to new cultures, new professions, new opportunities. I teach English, Hungarian, Spanish and Russian languages and believe that anybody can master a language with proper motivation and dedication. Languages are not just a tool for studies, they are a real eye-opener. And nothing can make me happier as a teacher than sharing this passion with my students!

Mr. Csongor Bodrogi
German language, Hungarian language and literature
I am a teacher of German and Hungarian language and literature. It is not just a job, but also a vocation and joy to me: I love seeing how my students develop, how they improve their conversation skills and vocabulary. Since 2011 I have been teaching German as foreign language in different language schools. I had courses at many different companies (e. g. BP, Continental, KPMG), and I also taught high school students through private lessons, and helped them to take language exams and graduations. I started to work at Avicenna in September 2021. I have seen many talented students here ever since, and I really like teaching them.

Dr. Miklós Szentpály
Hungarian as a second language
Teaching Hungarian language for international students is always an amazing, and exciting challenge. However, most one of the most important aspects of it is to find a bridge between the cultures of the language learners and Hungarian culture. Next to teaching at Avicenna I am also teaching at Semmelweis University and seasonally, I lead courses in various language schools. These environments also enrich my teaching methodology. One of my most important tasks is to encourage my students to experience their environment with an open mindset and get to know the world. I started my career in teaching in 2009; a few years after I graduated from the Faculty of Humanities at Pázmány Péter Catholic University. Later to improve my skills I made my studies up in the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformated Church Hungary as a language teacher.

Dr. Zsolt Papp
Physicist, professor of physics
I am Dr. Zsolt Papp, an assistant professor at Budapest University of Technology and Economist, Department of Physics. I teach physics to the students and I am an active researcher in optical metrology and holography. I hope, that the academic activities of students at AIC brings them to the level of knowledge in physics and mathematics to pass the placement test and to be success in the 1st academic year in the university.

Ms. Márta Mohaly
English language, Civilisation of the English speaking World
For me, born in a large family and surrounded by numerous relatives – mostly enthusiastic teachers working at school or university -, it had never been a question what job to choose. However, before my university studies at ELTE, Bp., I got a job as a trained tourist guide working in English and Russian languages for three years. Next, after graduating from university as a teacher of English and Russian Languages and Literature, I started teaching at Szent László Gimnázium, Bp. (where I have been working over 30 years teaching adult students as well); and, for almost 10 years now, I have had the opportunity to work at Avicenna International College, with keen colleagues in a happy and exciting multicultural community.

Ms. Zsófia Borsos
English language – History
As one of the newest members of AIC I enjoy teaching in a multicultural environment. English is usually just one of the many subjects for high school students, but here in Avicenna it is the key to understanding one another. History has always been my primary field of interest, especially the 20th century. As i firmly believe that one who understands history, finds it easier to navigate in the present, I primarily try to encourage my students to think critically. Even if I require students to know specific terms and dates as well. 🙂 I have been teaching for 9 years now, mostly in secondary school. Occassionally I taught in language school as well. Working with adults was an insightful new experience for me. Still, I prefer teaching teenagers. Seeing them change, develop (not just in subjects) is probably what I love most about teaching. With their dreams, hopes, different points of view they challenge me continuously to look at things from different angles as well. I learn from them just as much as I teach.

Ms. Erika Sólyom
Teacher of Hungarian as a Foreign Language (HFL) and English as a Second Language (ESL)
I joined Avicenna in 2024. I am truly happy to be part of an international community where I can utilize my multilingual and multicultural background combined with my cultural sensitivity to diverse groups. I have 25 years of teaching experience at every level of instruction, from elementary to university level. My language teaching portfolio mainly consists of teaching English as a Second Language to Hungarian students as well as teaching Hungarian as a Foreign Language to foreigners of all age groups, with various nationalities and language backgrounds from literally all over the world. By academic training, I am a sociolinguist and a foreign language teacher. By passion, I am a cultural anthropologist, with special interest in West-Africa. I am also a co-author of “Colloquial Hungarian”, a textbook in Routledge`s well-known language series. In addition to teaching, for many years, I had also worked for educational policy and cultural institutions, both in Budapest and New York. The overarching theme and motto of my personal and professional life is bridging. Bridging people. Bridging communities. Bridging cultures. Bridging different groups within cultures. Through language. Through education. With passion. With professionalism. And with commitment.

Ms. Beatrix Bucsi
Teacher of Hungarian as a Foreign Language (HFL) and French as a second language
My name is Beatrix Bucsi. I am a teacher of Hungarian as a foreign language at Avicenna. I am also a French language teacher. I obtained my French teacher degree at the University of Debrecen and later when I started teaching this language, I continued my studies and got the HFL diploma at the Károli Gáspár University. I have always been working in a multicultural environment, I am very interested in different cultures, but it is much easier to get closer to them through a common language. Teaching (and learning) Hungarian is not an easy task but it is great to see how the students improve day by day. My goal is not only to help them to reach and pass successfully the final exam in the school, but also to make them able to use Hungarian language in everyday life and to familiarize them with our culture and values.

Dr. Tamás Tasnádi
I am an assistant professor at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and I have been involved in teaching physics at Avicenna since 2024. I find it challenging to meet the Hungarian standards in a multicultural environment.

Ms. Alice Callender
English Civilisation
Hi there! I am Alice, the English Civilisation teacher at Avicenna. I teach all grades across the school creating interesting and prevalent topics related to UK and US culture and civilisation with interactive teaching methodologies that will be useful to their academic and future professional careers. I am a native English speaker from the UK with experience at a Russel Group UK University as a Careers Counsellor. I have international teaching experience and enjoy working with young people encouraging them to achieve their full potential and make the most of ther time at school. Alongside working at Avicenna, I am a private English Language Tutor. I moved to Hungary in 2023 and love living and working here.

Mr. Sándor Patakfalvi
Physical Education
It’s a privilege to be a member of Avicenna International College, to join such a highly skilled educational team, and especially to be surrounded by so many enthusiastic students from around the world. My experience in teaching for many years in international education gives me the gift of open-mindedness and a lifelong journey of disciplined and continuous learning. I am working to contribute to a better understanding of healthy life through physical education, and I am confident that long-term benefits are the best results we can achieve together. My studies at the Hungarian University of Sports and Physical Education, my personal sports career, and years of teaching have undoubtably convinced me that the real value of humble daily work can be just as precious as winning a championship. Every day is a new possibility to make the world better.

Ms. Ildikó Győri
Chemistry, Science, Biology and English language
“According to Marie Curie, ‘Nothing in life is to be feared; it is only to be understood.’ My primary goal as a teacher is to bring science, biology, and chemistry closer to my students and help them distinguish between real and fake scientific news. Additionally, I have the opportunity to teach the English language, which requires different pedagogical methods and enables me to build a closer relationship with my students. Although I have little free time, since teaching is my hobby, I always enjoy spending time with my family or relaxing by watching Netflix.”

Mrs. Tímea Kinczelné Szűcs
History, English
Teaching has been a passion for me ever since my early high-school period. I enjoy bringing History closer to students and it is my goal to make it live and something to dive in. In my English lessons I focus on communication skills and it a pleaseure to see when my students dare to open their mind to creative thinking. One of my favourite quotes that I can associate with is as it follows: The teacher becomes a bridge, urging their students to cross over it; then, having eased their passage, joyfully collapses, encouraging them to build their own bridges.

Ms. Réka Faludi
English language, German language
Hello everyone! My name is Réka Faludi, I am a first year English language and German language teacher here at Avicenna. I am passionate about languages and bringing them closer to other people, especially my students! I want them to know that it is not too scary to speak in a foreign language and they can have fun during the language learning process. Also, it is so much more than just learning a language! 🙂

Ms. Afsoon Hosseini
Student Center Staff, Coordinator of Avicenna Christmas Exhibition
I am Afsoon, a dedicated staff member at the Student Center, actively involved in assisting students with various matters, including but not limited to registration and the management of their insurances. Additionally, I serve as a coordinator for the Avicenna Christmas Exhibition and DID projects. Possessing a Master’s degree in Business Administration, I have been an integral part of Avicenna International College since August 2020. My commitment lies in enhancing the overall student experience by implementing streamlined processes, leveraging effective communication skills, and employing problem-solving abilities. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of further supporting the college community and contributing to its ongoing success.