
As an important milestone in the life of Avicenna to signpost our commitment for continuous development, we received the prestigious award from the Hungarian Government to become an Eco-School (Ökoiskola) from 7 June 2024 for the upcoming 3 years. It means that we will not only adopt sustainability as an overarching philosophy but we are putting it in practice and making it our priority as it appears in a timeline below, to reflect a series of events that will take place in the coming years showing how we as teaching, non-teaching staff and students contribute actively to raise awareness and make practical examples of what ecologically centered education means.

Written by Steve Szabó

Eco-School Award Ceremony in Biatorbágy

The Eco-School Award Ceremony took place at the Biatorbágy Primary School and Hungarian-English Bilingual Primary School. The host of the event was Dávid Trózsák, Curriculum Development Officer at the Department for Public Education Content Development of the Ministry of Interior of Hungary. Welcome notes were delivered by Erika Pálfi, Head of Department for Public Education Content Development at theMinistry of Interior. The audience included first-time recepients (első díjasok), second-time recipients (másodszori díjasok) as well as the perpetual award winners (örökös ökoiskolák). Approximately 300 participants arrived from all over the country, bringing plans and flowers as an example of a best-practice, recommended also to the schools for the first day of the school year in September. AIC was represented by Ms. Erika Sólyom. During the entire event, it was emphasized that Eco-Schools have to incorporate the environmental projects and events into their pedagogical program. Active participation is very important throughout the year. The welcome speech was followed by the music performance of singer Enikő Hodosi, accompanied by Gábor Éles. Then the Eco-School Certificates were awarded by Dr. Katalin Balatoni, Deputy State Secretary for Education at the Ministry of Interior of Hungary. Further awards were presented by Nikoletta Keszthelyi, Deputy State Secretary for the Environment at the Ministry of Energy, who emphasized the commitment to teaching sustainability and environmnetal protection in the schools. The closing part of the event was a presentation on the preservation of sustainable values given by environmental influencer, Péter Szebenyi.

Video of Eco-School Award Ceremony

Ministry of Interior of Hungary
June 7, 2024

Tree Planting at the 2023-2024 Graduation Ceremony of AIC

After the official program of the Graduation Ceremony of the 12th graders with their master teacher, Ms. Andrea Juhász, special end-year notes were delivered by AIC President, Dr. Shahrokh Mirzahosseini. This year, in light of eco-consciousness, a new tradition began at Avicenna. At the end of the ceremony, graduating students with and  their teachers planted a tree in the garden of the school as „trees are the poems that the earth writes upon the sky.”

May 17, 2024

Eco-conscious School Trip to Pécs

Avicenna students went for a 3-day eco-conscious school trip to Pécs. Organizers, with the leadership of Mr. László Maróti,  made sure that various environment-centered programs are included during the trip such as staying in the hills and not in the city center, exclusively using public transportation or walking in the woods. In addition to city tours, students visited the local zoo and learnt about the importance of coral reefs in the ecosytem. During the visit to the Planetarium of the famous Zsolnay Quarter, AIC listened to a presentation about space research, astronomy as well as the connection of natural sciences and the environment.

June 11-13, 2024