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Biology practice session – November 29, 2024

Biology practice session – November 29, 2024 As a part of studying about the cardiovascular system, grade 9 students had a pig's heart dissection lab session working in pairs. First, they explored the external parts of the heart and learned how to differentiate the right from the left side of the heart along with finding some structures from the outside. Then, they were given instructions to explore and locate the internal structures of the heart from chambers, valves, vessels and tendinous chords. After labelling the main parts what they could see, they were given a little time of free investigation. Students [...]

Biology practice session – November 29, 20242024-12-12T14:41:16+01:00

Prom Ceremony (2024-2025) – Nov 29, 2024

Prom Ceremony (2024-2025)- Nov 29, 2024 The Prom is a traditional Hungarian school ceremony where the graduating students receive ribbons. After that the school leavers dance a waltz, the parents, other students and teachers greet the grade 12 students who are almost ready for adult life. Written by: Andrea Juhász29. Nov. 2024.

Prom Ceremony (2024-2025) – Nov 29, 20242024-12-07T16:17:02+01:00

Science Field Trip to the Electrotechnical Collection Museum with Grade 9

Report on the Science Field Trip to the Electrotechnical Collection Museum with Grade 9 On November 21, Grade 9 students had the opportunity to visit the Electrotechnical Collection Museum in Budapest as part of their science curriculum. Seventeen students participated in this engaging and educational field trip, accompanied by teachers. The visit aimed to deepen their understanding of the development and applications of electrical engineering. As their Physics teacher, I provided a brief beforehand to introduce them to the topics and exhibits they would encounter. The museum, located at 1075 Budapest, Kazinczy u. 21, is a historical site [...]

Science Field Trip to the Electrotechnical Collection Museum with Grade 92024-11-28T12:42:30+01:00

Christmas for lonely seniors in AIC

Christmas for lonely seniors in AIC Great news! For the second time, the Christmas celebration for lonely seniors will be hosted on December 24th at Avicenna International College! You can read Schmuck Andor post about it, here. Remek hír ! Újra immár másodszor ad otthont a december 24.-én tartandó magányos szépkorúak karácsonya ! Avicenna International College ! Bővebben olvashatod Schmuck Andor posztjában, itt. 21. Nov. 2024

Christmas for lonely seniors in AIC2024-11-25T11:00:03+01:00

Career Day – Nov 19, 2024

Carrier Day 2024 Avicenna International College organized its first Career Day program on November 19, 2024, primarily to facilitate the choice of further university studies for its own Hungarian and international high school students. As part of the all-day program, representatives of 5 Budapest higher education institutions (Corvinus, SOTE, ELTE GTK, BME and IBS) introduced their universities and study programs and had interactive discussions with Avicenna students. Based on the initial success and mutual demand, we will turn the initiative into a tradition and will continue it in the next academic year.Az Avicenna International College 2024 november 19-én szervezte meg első [...]

Career Day – Nov 19, 20242024-12-20T08:25:23+01:00

AIC Students Planting Flowers in the School Garden

AIC Students Planting Flowers in the School Garden Avicenna International College is dedicated to organise more and more sustainability related programs not only by teaching about our environment in the classroom but also involving and inspiring our students to support the school's ecosystem. On November 13th, 2024, our Grade12 students with their Civilisation teacher, Ms. Alice joined forces to clear leaves, rake compost, and plant bulbs and seeds around the school grounds. This initiative provided a wonderful opportunity for students, teachers, and management staff to come together outside the classroom, collaborating on a project that reflects our shared [...]

AIC Students Planting Flowers in the School Garden2024-11-25T12:08:42+01:00

Spanish visitors from Rivas-Arganda

Spanish visitors from Rivas-Arganda This course regarding environmental sustainability education at schools took place in the middle of summer, and as such it was a natural choice since we are about to lunch our Eco-school application. The training took place in one of the two headquarter buildings of Europass Academy in central Florence. My classmates came from Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal and Spain, and also one Hungarian lady. On 5-8 November 2024 we received a group of Spanish students from a language centre from Rivas-Arganda near Madrid, on an Erasmus grant. This is the second time this partner school [...]

Spanish visitors from Rivas-Arganda2024-12-04T10:58:08+01:00

AIC Erasmus Students Presentation after trip to Lecce- Oct 24, 2024

AIC Erasmus Students Presentation after trip to Lecce- Oct 24, 2024 Our Avicenna students have done their presentations ( dissemination of study experience) the week after they completed their Erasmus mobilities in mid-October in Lecce and Milano-.Rho.  The participating students were going public about their event- packed experience in front of an audience composed of all the Avicenna students and a visiting group of students from Assisi.                    

AIC Erasmus Students Presentation after trip to Lecce- Oct 24, 20242024-11-25T11:03:27+01:00

Nyílt Napok az Avicenna International Collegeban

Nyílt Napok az Avicennában Az Avicenna International College Magyar–Angol Két Tanítási Nyelvű Gimnáziuma 2024. november 13-án és 2024. december 5-én Szeretettel várunk minden érdeklődőt: diákokat, szülőket Program kezdete: 9:00 Program: Iskola bemutatása – tanrend, osztályok, programok, osztályfőnökök, érdekességek, specialitások Iskola-tour – az iskola épületében, kertben Óralátogatások Avicenna Brunch – kötetlen beszélgetés tanárokkal, diákokkal Parkolási lehetőség az iskolaudvaron. Open Days at Avicenna Dear Parents and Future Secondary School Students, We are pleased to invite you to the OPEN DAYS of the Hungarian-English Bilingual High School of Avicenna International College. Dates:  13  November and 5 December 2024 from 9.00 [...]

Nyílt Napok az Avicenna International Collegeban2024-10-22T08:11:25+02:00

A Memorable AIC Erasmus Group Mobility to Rho Milan, Italy

A Memorable AIC Erasmus Group Mobility to Rho Milan, Italy Eight selected students from grade 9, 10 and 11 of Avicenna International College along with their teacher, Mr Harout Parseghian participated in an Erasmus+ student group mobility in Rho, Italy for 5 days at the school Liceo Statale “Ettore Majorana” from 14 to 18 October 2024. The group came together early on Sunday morning in Budapest airport before taking off to Italy’s Malpensa airport in Milan. While waiting for the flight time, students received their tasks and each one was assigned to prepare a report on a [...]

A Memorable AIC Erasmus Group Mobility to Rho Milan, Italy2024-11-13T08:47:02+01:00
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