
Monthly Archives: June 2020

“érettségi” at Avicenna International College 2020, June 11.


"érettségi" at Avicenna International College 2020, June 11. We are proud to announce that our Hungarian and international students received their érettségi (High School Diploma) from the Hungarian Government after completing their studies at the "English-Hungarian Bi-lingual International High School" of Avicenna International College. This degree is accepted in Hungary and all around the world. With this degree, our graduate students can study in Hungary or any other European country with no need for accreditation or evaluation. This degree states that our students have successfully completed high school or secondary studies. It is also a European language certificate (similar to IELTS). So our students do not need to take any other language test during university studies. This degree states that they have English knowledge equal to C1 and also in Hungarian language minimum equal to B1 or B2.

“érettségi” at Avicenna International College 2020, June 11.2020-06-13T21:22:25+02:00

In person enrollment for prospective High School students: June 23rd 9 am


The 2020-2021 Academic Year is getting closer and we welcome every new student joining our school. We still accept applications to our International Hungarian-English bilingual High School Program, send your request to igazgato@avicenna.hu.

In person enrollment for prospective High School students: June 23rd 9 am2020-06-05T17:53:36+02:00

Coronavirus Pandemic and Reopening of Avicenna International College on June 5th, 2020.


Avicenna International College regards the safety and well-being of its students, teachers, colleagues, and visitors as its most important goal and priority. AIC never stopped serving its students during the lock-down and today we open the campus doors to our community members. We will continue providing online education, consultation, and services to reduce the need to be present at college personally. However, whenever it is required to be present at the college campus, it is mandatory to have PPE and observe social distancing and other health measures to protect everyone during the coronavirus pandemic.

Coronavirus Pandemic and Reopening of Avicenna International College on June 5th, 2020.2020-06-05T15:40:30+02:00

The final exam of the German language


The final exam of the German language course at Avicenna International College on 27. May 2020. Students and teachers take precautions against Coronavirus. Abschlussprüfung des Deutschkurses in Avicenna International College am 27. Mai 2020. Die StudentInnen und LehrerInnen nehmen Vorsichtsmaßnahmen gegen Coronavirus.

The final exam of the German language2020-06-01T10:12:31+02:00
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