Turkish Erasmus students at AIC
24-28 February 2025
On February 24-28 the Avicenna community received a Turkish Erasmus group of 9 students from 3 different schools and cities: Gaziantep, Kilis and Sanliurfa. They were accompanied by 3 lead teachers, one from each school. The students were specially picked and prepared by their schools and they had a memorable and a great time at Avicenna despite spending only 5 days with us. They participated in a contemporary art workshop with Eszter and in a Hungarian cultural workshop with Erika who also speaks Turkish so she could engage them at an even more professional level being able to compare the Hungarian and the Turkish language as a cultural delicacy.
Our visitors took part in regularly scheduled lessons where they could try their academic and language skills while interacting with our own students, making friends. The Erasmus group made a presentation of their culture, school environment and culinary treasures in a dedicated slot where many of our students were also present.
We also had the honour to receive high level representatives from the Turkish Ministry for Secondary School Education to begin establishing connections. I hope the pictures that you can see here will tell other 1000 words of joy and satisfaction coming from the experience of these particular Erasmus guest students.

Organised and Written by: Steve Szabó
10. Marc. 2025.