It is a strong tradition and strategy at AIC, regardless of the study program, that students are constantly assessed by various tests and exams or courseworks. All these assessments are directed towards providing feedbacks to the students themselves and their teachers so that they can recognize their strength as well as weak points. In this way, students and teachers can find solutions for the problems and plan for academic developments. Any gap in knowledge will be dealt with in, the right time and right manner. The assessment objectives and methods are generally unified for all subjects. 

In any assessment during the course of study, in general, AIC students should be able to demonstrate knowledge with understanding in relation to:

  1. scientific phenomena, definitions, concepts, and theories.
  2. scientific vocabulary and terminology.
  3. scientific instruments and apparatus.
  4. scientific quantities and their determination.
  5. scientific and technological applications.
  6. explanations for phenomena, patterns and their relationships.
  7. locate, select and present information from various sources.
  8. handle information from a written or verbal passage.
  9. understand numerical and graphical data.
  10. analyze information to identify patterns, trends, and hypotheses.
  11. build arguments to support or rule out hypotheses.
  12. evaluate information and hypotheses.
  13. plan investigations.
  14. use techniques, apparatus, and materials.
  15. make and record observations and measurements.
  16. evaluate observations and experimental results.

What is APT (Avicenna Placement Test)?

Before joining Avicenna International College, you will sit for APT which is an online test. After APT, you may be invited for a personal interview at one of the Representative Offices of AIC in your country. If this is not possible, then you will be interviewed via Skype or Zoom

APT is composed of English (general and academic) and science subjects related to your field of study. APT for students apply to International Foundation Programs is more comprehensive than APT for students applying to International High School Programs.  Science subjects include biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics. Other subjects such as German, Hungarian, economics, history, geography, and arts may be part of the exam depending on your choice of the program. 

APT could take several hours and it may be administered in two consecutive days just to ensure more time and comfort for you. As APT is not a competition test, you are not under pressure here. The whole idea is to exactly measure your knowledge in English and other subjects.

Once you have submitted the relevant part of the test, you receive an email message confirming your participation in APT and the successful submission of each part of the test. Your result will be available to AIC and you can later request to see the results of APT.

The result of APT in each subject will be very detailed which can exactly measure your weak points. You can see a sample APT result here. The “Examination Department” at AIC together with educators and university professors have created APT as a very special instrument with diagnostic value. APT measures the level of each student at the time she/he joins college. Other exams during the course of study and the final exams are very similar to APT.

After application and preliminary admission, students will be notified about the APT location, date and time via Avicenna email and the Avicenna Communication System.