AIC continues with preventive measures in face of Coronavirus threats.
user2020-03-15T15:57:56+01:00AIC was the first (or among the first) institutions to stop classes and introduce online education in Hungary. AIC was the first (or among the first) institutions to stop classes and introduce online education in Hungary.The health and safety of all our members is extremely important to us. We have reduced the presence of our colleagues to the very minimum required. we continue disinfecting the premises and areas even if there are not used anymore. We continue to further develop our online education programs throughout the Spring and Summer of 2020. This will include the preparation for University Entrance Examinations. Together we defeat Corona. Together we defeat Corona.
The Hungarian Educational Authority Announcement
user2020-03-14T23:35:01+01:00The Hungarian Educational Authority Announcement The Hungarian Educational Authority has announced that from Monday all classes are canceled and schools should continue their classes online. Avicenna International College has already installed all necessary software and we have continued with our online education program one week earlier. With this instruction from the Hungarian Education Authority (OH), for the rest of this semester, all AIC classes will be held online. Please check the message and instructions of OH as follows in Hungarian. Tisztelt Intézményfenntartó! Az Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma megbízásából mellékelten megküldjük Dr. Maruzsa Zoltán köznevelésért felelős államtitkár úr intézményfenntartóknak szóló tájékoztató levelét a [...]
Step 3 of Policy Against Coronavirus
user2020-03-13T11:49:41+01:00Dear AIC Students and Parents, In accordance with the prevailing public health rules and regulations, I have decided to cancel the classes at the college campus until the end of March 2020. We will continually review the conditions and in cooperation with the Health Authorities and Education Authority will bring the best decision that protects the health and safety of all members.
Online Education at Avicenna International College to Address the Coronavirus Situation
user2020-03-09T15:51:17+01:00AIC will start with its online education services. The ICT Department of AIC and all the teachers and authorities had a meeting with the President today (09/03/2020). It was announced that the ICT Department has been working hard for the past few days and from tomorrow the new systems of online education will be installed and start working. This will be a great help to the students who will have to learn and study at home to decrease the risks of viral infection. More information about the system will be soon published and all students and teachers will get the technical explanation via their Avicenna emails.
AIC campus is disinfected regularly
user2022-03-10T14:54:53+01:00According to the "Extraordinary AIC Policy to Reduce the Risk of Coronavirus Infection", the premises and surfaces are regularly disinfected by alcohol-containing sanitizers. Although there is been NO case of Coronavirus contamination among the students of AIC, the college authorities are taking every precaution to protect the staff, students, and visitors. AIC canceled all its classes last week to provide a period for all students to stay at home. Teachers and staff of AIC will continue with their essential duties. University registration is going on as scheduled.
Semmelweis University Publishes its Coronavirus Action Plan
user2020-03-06T09:16:12+01:00Semmelweis University Publishes its Coronavirus Action Plan