

Language Competition


The exam’s first round is now complete, and the second round will take place on March 13th. Kedves 6–8. osztályos diákok! Nevezz egyéniben, vagy indulj az általános iskolád színeiben az AVICENNA ANGOL TANULMÁNYI VERSENYEN! INGYENES nevezés, részvétel! Komoly nyeremények, jelentős összegű DÍJAK! Játssz lelkesen, és versenyezz komolyan! Online verseny: 2023. január 28. (szombat) Szóbeli verseny: 2023. március 13. (péntek délelőtt) Dear Grade 6-8 Primary School students! Sign up for the AVICENNA ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPETITION Individually or in the team of your school! FREE registration and participation! PRIZES are given to I.-VI. places! Play [...]

Language Competition2024-04-25T20:33:52+02:00

Opening Ceremony of 2022-2023 academic year


The 1st of September brought us the beginning of the new academic year at AIC as well. The Opening Ceremony started shortly after 9 am and lasted about an hour. The principal greeted the old and new students along with the teaching and administrative colleagues and informed them about the most important dates in the academic calendar. He introduced every grade to their form teachers: Ms. Monica and Mr. Mark get to manage pre-9 which is looking to become the largest class when all the students arrive. Mr. Sandor, a new teacher will guide grade 9, whereas Ms. [...]

Opening Ceremony of 2022-2023 academic year2022-09-03T22:01:33+02:00

GFP – Calendar


German Foundation Program Calendar

GFP – Calendar2020-03-16T04:23:19+01:00
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