On the 10th of June, we revived the good old tradition of holding a Graduation Ceremony at the Avicenna. During the two years of Covid it wasn’t possible to hold such a high-profile gathering so this year we did it, as a much-anticipated social event. It was a heart-warming sight to see parents and relatives and teachers of our 10 graduating students filling one of our largest classrooms, room 314 on the first floor. So much so that the rest of the AIC students could be seated only in the corridor.

The graduating students were led to the site of the ceremony by their form mistress Ms Marta. Two students of grades 10 and 9, Ákos and Edua took the role of the announcer and announced first the opening speech of the President of the AIC. Dr. Shahrokh praised our students and talked about the importance of high school education in the university progression and further career choices in relation with a successful and full life experience. The President’s words were followed by individual performances to entertain our guests and graduating students.
We could hear a soul-awakening Vietnamese song by Emma, accompanied by Limit at the guitar. Harry recited a Chinese poem and there came Parnian with an English poem by e.e. cummings. Aya and Pasha joined the stage to thank the teachers and the form mistress.
The student’s performances were followed by the congratulating speech of the principal Mr Steve. The principal addressed each and every graduating student by their names, highlighting their strong points and academic achievements for which Avicenna College will always be proud of these novel graduates who have contributed so much to the Avicenna Community, and who stood their ground in excellence despite the difficulties caused by the global pandemic that overshadowed 2 years of their studies. In spite of all these odds, they made it and now, 10 out of these 10 students are soon to be university citizens at universities in Hungary, England, Turkey and even in Hawaii which makes this group of graduates a very special one.
The closing theme was to hand out the certificates to the graduates accompanied by an intense round of applause from the rows of former fellow students in the corridor. At the end of the ceremony our celebrated 10, the star of the day and their family members were served with an ample variety of selected culinary excellence in the AIC restaurant, courtesy of the father of Sandy, our graduating student who provided the lunch.