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13 02, 2023

First job shadowing activity

By |2023-02-13T15:32:29+01:00February 13th, 2023|News|0 Comments

AIC welcomed its very first job shadowing activity when an Italian colleague Alessia Montanucci spent a week with us from 30 Jan until 3 February. Alessia came from Marsciano in Umbria from the Salvatorelli-Moneta high school. She is also the Erasmus coordinator of her school where she teaches English and where two of our 5 Italian Erasmus students are coming from, Luca and Noemi. Alessia joined our language (English, Hungarian and German) and humanities (History, Civilisation, Art) subject classes during her five-day stay at Avicenna. She did not only observe the classes but also held English classes for [...]

27 02, 2024

Our Colleagues

By |2024-03-07T15:28:37+01:00February 27th, 2024|Comments Off on Our Colleagues

President Dr. Shahrokh Mirza Hosseini Founding President Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts Board Member of Federation for European Education Managing Director Dr. Arash Mirzahosseini Managing Director of AIC, Chemistry, Research Methodology I am Dr. Arash Mirzahosseini, managing director of AIC and I also hold an assistant professor position at Semmelweis University, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. I teach Chemical Sciences to Medical students and Research Methodology to Pre-Masters and Pre-PhD students, therefore I always have a mathematical and physical sciences [...]

1 12, 2023

Az Avicenna Nemzetközi Karácsonyi Vásár kulturális programja

By |2023-12-10T12:37:16+01:00December 1st, 2023|News|0 Comments

December 09-én, szombaton A Trigatu indiai tánccsoport szórakoztatja vendégeit 15.00 órai kezdettel, mely 25 perces előadásában végigvezet minket legalább többféle indiai táncstíluson a klasszikustól a progresszív modernig. Majd az ezt követő tíz perces vietnámi klasszikus tánc bűvöli el két táncos hölgy kecsességével nézőit, a Vietnámi Nagykövetséggel felvett kapcsolatunk eredményeként. A fellépők sorát az Avicenna International College Két tanítási Nyelvű diákjainak fél órás zenés, táncos műsora zárja. December 08-án Nyitó Nap: Az ünnepélyes megnyitó és a szalag ünnepélyes elvágása után 17.00-kor a meghívott vendégek megtekintik az 500 nm-es karácsonyi pavilonban a nyitó előadásokat, mely a hiedelem szerint [...]

22 10, 2023

Avicenna Angol Tanulmányi Verseny!

By |2024-01-11T09:12:54+01:00October 22nd, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

A játékos és komoly nyelvi tesztelés hagyományának megteremtése egy évente ismétlődő objektív megmérettetés keretén belül, melyre ingyenesen és kockázat nélkül jelentkezhetsz. Mindezzel felajánljuk nemcsak a versenyző diákoknak, hanem a Titeket küldő általános iskoláknak és szüleiteknek, hogy a kétfordulós verseny végén megtudják, hogy még mennyi munka áll előttetek, hogy a B2-es (középfokú) szintet elérjétek. Amennyiben az iskolád színeiben regisztrálsz, igény esetén iskolák szintjén is meg fogjuk tudni adni az összehasonlító végeredményt, hogy mindezzel motiváljunk Titeket a még szorgalmasabb nyelvtanulásra. A szóbeli verseny mellett hasznos nyelvtanulási tanácsokkal is el fognak látni Titeket nyelvtanáraink valamint az angol nyelvet napi szinten, szünetekben [...]

26 09, 2023

CSP program: MÜPA

By |2023-10-03T09:30:06+02:00September 26th, 2023|News|0 Comments

AIC started the beginning of academic year 2023-24 with a surprisingly wonderful cultural program, a unique and one-of-a-kind folk dance play performed by the Hungarian National Dance Ensemble and the Honvéd Férfikar in MÜPA.The lucky 21 students who were involved in the event were from grade 9 accompanied by the Italian Erasmus students, and met in front of the theater on 20. October.  They could see the 75 mins strange story of a woman punished to death for her infidelity, this old-style ballad of cruel beauty, perhaps the most mysterious and deepest human emotions in our folk poetry, ending in [...]

14 09, 2023

School Camp at Verőce, Csattogóvölgy

By |2023-09-25T09:56:25+02:00September 14th, 2023|News|0 Comments

Avicenna International College held its first School Camp at the magnificent surroundings of the soft range of Pilis mountains in Csattogó Völgy at Verőce on 4.-5. September. 2023. All the bilingual high school students, along with their teachers, traveled by train from Nyugati Railway station to Verőce where within a 15 mins walk in a lovely forest path, they reached the campsite. The attractive accommodations with 4-5 beds in wooden chalets were in the vicinity of a grassy football and handball pitch, the spacious restaurant, and an area where community programmes by classes could be organized on several [...]

12 09, 2023

Extraordinary AIC team building on the Danube

By |2023-09-12T15:51:13+02:00September 12th, 2023|News|0 Comments

The AIC management has decided to give a special spin to the start of the year and organise team building in a very different way. The scenery for last year’s team building was the Pilis mountains when we went on hiking for the whole day. This time around it had to be a bit different, so we thought of renting two dragon boats and headed to the Danube for rowing.

22 05, 2023

BIMUN Conference – first dissemination event about a new initiative at AIC

By |2023-05-26T10:31:29+02:00May 22nd, 2023|News|0 Comments

At the end of April, we held our first dissemination event about a new initiative at AIC: Our Model UN Club and shared some insights of our participation in the Model UN – BIMUN Conference. The teachers, Ms. Emese, Mr. Márk, and 5 chosen students have been working assiduously on a so-called ‘Pilot year’ of Model UN and preparing its implementation fully into our annual curriculum and school-year schedule.

6 03, 2023

AIC Summer Camp 2023

By |2023-03-07T09:58:22+01:00March 6th, 2023|News|0 Comments

For Hungarian and International High School Students AIC Summer Camp Program is a supervised program for students between the age of 13-17 from Hungary and outside Hungary, (European and non-European countries). This camp is designed for 20 busy and enjoyable days during summer 2023. 02 - 23 July, 2023 (program starts on the 3rd) July 31 - August 21, 2023 (program starts on 1st of August)    Students participating in this summer camp will: Learn and practice English, Learn and practice Sciences (Maths, Physics, Biology, Chemistry), Participate in sport activities (tennis, swimming or running), Participate [...]

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