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22 03, 2024

Project Day Math Competition

By |2024-03-22T10:50:29+01:00March 22nd, 2024|News|0 Comments

Knowledge of finance and marketing is vital for high school students to be successful in both their personal and professional lives. Schools play a decisive role in preparing students for attainment in the modern economy by providing them with knowledge about finance and marketing. This understanding is essential for personal financial management, career readiness, economic mindfulness, entrepreneurship, and critical thinking skills. Setting a math contest focused on finance and marketing can help students improve important skills, gain practical knowledge, and prepare for future accomplishment in a broad range of professions. We set the project day as [...]

27 02, 2024

Our Colleagues

By |2024-03-07T15:28:37+01:00February 27th, 2024|Comments Off on Our Colleagues

President Dr. Shahrokh Mirza Hosseini Founding President Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts Board Member of Federation for European Education Managing Director Dr. Arash Mirzahosseini Managing Director of AIC, Chemistry, Research Methodology I am Dr. Arash Mirzahosseini, managing director of AIC and I also hold an assistant professor position at Semmelweis University, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. I teach Chemical Sciences to Medical students and Research Methodology to Pre-Masters and Pre-PhD students, therefore I always have a mathematical and physical sciences [...]

16 01, 2024

AIC Highschool Admission Information 2024-2025

By |2024-01-19T23:42:09+01:00January 16th, 2024|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Admission Information Admission Information 1. No need to take the Central Written Exam if you want to join AIC next year! We are truly international as we have students from all over the world, our students currently represent 19 different nations under one roof called Avicenna International College. 2. At the interview stage We cultivate a great interest in our future students, we need to see them first up and therefore we request a short introduction from you. What should it look like? We would like to see a short but nice presentation of your achievements that you are [...]

14 12, 2023

Tudósítás az Avicenna Nemzetközi Karácsonyi Kiállítás és Vásár 2023 december 8-i megnyitó ünnepségéről

By |2023-12-14T19:39:24+01:00December 14th, 2023|News|0 Comments

Az Avicenna Holding első alkalommal megrendezett Avicenna Nemzetközi Karácsonyi Kiállítás és Vásárának megnyitó ünnepsége, 2023. December 8.- án, 16.00 órától vette kezdetét a cégcsoporthoz tartozó Avicenna International College fogadásokra is alkalmas nagy előadótermében. A  Tisztelet Társasága által is felkarolt rendezvény közel százötven meghívott vendége között olyan külföldi személyiségek is megtiszteltek bennünket, mint Bashar Samara úr, a Szíriai Arab Köztársaság budapesti nagykövetségének ügyvivője, valamint Jimmi Albert Andrade Colorado úr, a Venezuelai Bolivár Köztársaság budapesti nagykövetségének ideiglenes ügyvivője és több más diplomata. A megnyitó beszédek és magas rangú felszólalások sora Dr. Shahrokh MirzaHosseini, az Avicenna Holding és az Avicenna International [...]

14 09, 2023

School Camp at Verőce, Csattogóvölgy

By |2023-09-25T09:56:25+02:00September 14th, 2023|News|0 Comments

Avicenna International College held its first School Camp at the magnificent surroundings of the soft range of Pilis mountains in Csattogó Völgy at Verőce on 4.-5. September. 2023. All the bilingual high school students, along with their teachers, traveled by train from Nyugati Railway station to Verőce where within a 15 mins walk in a lovely forest path, they reached the campsite. The attractive accommodations with 4-5 beds in wooden chalets were in the vicinity of a grassy football and handball pitch, the spacious restaurant, and an area where community programmes by classes could be organized on several [...]

16 05, 2023

Avicenna International College signed a memorandum of understanding with Corvinus University

By |2023-05-26T10:00:16+02:00May 16th, 2023|News|0 Comments

In March 2023, Avicenna International College (“Avicenna”) signed a memorandum of understanding with Corvinus University of Budapest. Avicenna is a unique local high school in Budapest, that teaches Hungarian curriculum in English language to predominantly international students. Although the University has more than 250 international partners and works with many of the leading high schools in Hungary, this agreement is the first of its kind for Corvinus. The partnership is, therefore, a key milestone for both Avicenna and the University in their internationalisation objectives, since the College will provide quality international students with greater accessibility to Hungarian higher [...]

3 03, 2023

Farsang – the Hungarian Carnival season at AIC

By |2023-03-03T09:42:42+01:00March 3rd, 2023|News|0 Comments

The Hungarian farsang, also known as the carnival season, is a festive period leading up to the start of Lent. This celebration is a time for indulging in food, drink, and merriment before the period of fasting and reflection that Lent represents in the Christian tradition. AIC held its first farsang a few days ago which went very well. We held a raffle selling tickets to win prizes that stole the show over all the other games. This was only possible with the help of the diligent student council where everyone worked hard to get this event organized [...]

23 02, 2023

AIC’s International High school students attended BODY WORLDS exhibition

By |2023-02-27T08:26:48+01:00February 23rd, 2023|News|0 Comments

The BODY WORLDS exhibits are one of the most successful travelling exhibitions in the world. On display since 1995, they have attracted more than 50 million visitors in over 150 cities across the Americas, Asia, Australasia, Europe and South-Africa. The primary goal of the exhibition creators, Dr. Angelina Whalley and Dr. Gunther von Hagens, is preventive healthcare. Their BODY WORLDS exhibitions were conceived to educate the public about the inner workings of the human body and to show the effects of healthy and unhealthy lifestyles. Targeted mainly at a lay audience, the exhibitions are aimed to inspire visitors [...]

2 03, 2022

Mirsadra Molaei, 2017 alum of the AIC won 1st prize at the Semmelweis TDK Scientific Conference.

By |2022-03-02T21:17:17+01:00March 2nd, 2022|News|0 Comments

AIC congratulates Mirsadra Molaei, 2017 alum of the AIC Avicenna Medical Foundation Program, and current 4th year Semmelweis University Pharmacy student on winning 1st prize at the Semmelweis TDK Scientific Conference. From 2021 Mirsadra joined the Bioanalytical NMR Research Group of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry under the supervision of Dr. Arash Mirzahosseini. Every year the Scientific Students Association organizes the TDK Conference where excellence in the presentation of ideas and scientific research are awarded in every field. Mirsadra Molaei received a shared 1st prize with Máté Dobó in the section of Pharmaceutical Sciences A. Avicenna International College  [...]

17 09, 2020

Foundation Programs at AIC for the 2020-2021 academic year officially started

By |2020-09-17T22:31:20+02:00September 17th, 2020|News|0 Comments

The "Post-Secondary Education" at Avicenna International College includes the "Avicenna Medical Foundation Program", "German Foundation Program", "English Foundation Program" and "NCUK Program", as well several other programs. Today (17/09/2020) the Foundation Programs at AIC for the 2020-2021 academic year officially started. During the inauguration, Dr. Shahrokh MirzaHosseini, (President), Dr. Arash MirzaHosseini, (Director), Mr. Steve Szabo (NCUK Coordinator), Ms. Agota Apagyi (German Coordinator), Mr. Harouth Parsaghian (Biology Faculty) gave inaugural and welcome speeches. Foundation students, then, completed their registration process, collected their books, [...]

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