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22 03, 2024

Project Day Math Competition

By |2024-03-22T10:50:29+01:00March 22nd, 2024|News|0 Comments

Knowledge of finance and marketing is vital for high school students to be successful in both their personal and professional lives. Schools play a decisive role in preparing students for attainment in the modern economy by providing them with knowledge about finance and marketing. This understanding is essential for personal financial management, career readiness, economic mindfulness, entrepreneurship, and critical thinking skills. Setting a math contest focused on finance and marketing can help students improve important skills, gain practical knowledge, and prepare for future accomplishment in a broad range of professions. We set the project day as [...]

27 02, 2024

Our Colleagues

By |2024-03-07T15:28:37+01:00February 27th, 2024|Comments Off on Our Colleagues

President Dr. Shahrokh Mirza Hosseini Founding President Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts Board Member of Federation for European Education Managing Director Dr. Arash Mirzahosseini Managing Director of AIC, Chemistry, Research Methodology I am Dr. Arash Mirzahosseini, managing director of AIC and I also hold an assistant professor position at Semmelweis University, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. I teach Chemical Sciences to Medical students and Research Methodology to Pre-Masters and Pre-PhD students, therefore I always have a mathematical and physical sciences [...]

15 02, 2024

Second English Language Competition

By |2024-02-15T03:33:49+01:00February 15th, 2024|News|0 Comments

For the second time, AIC opened its doors to students from grades 7-8 in Budapest to participate in the first round of the Second English Language Competition on 29 January 2024. The 154 registered students filled the three registration slots (9.00, 15.30 and 17.30) in just a few weeks, often with the help of their teachers and schools. The unexpectedly high interest was preceded by hard marketing work, which last year, brought 133 online testers to the event. This year, having learnt from the lessons of the previous year we organized an offline, paper based test within AIC in the [...]

16 01, 2024

AIC Highschool Admission Information 2024-2025

By |2024-01-19T23:42:09+01:00January 16th, 2024|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Admission Information Admission Information 1. No need to take the Central Written Exam if you want to join AIC next year! We are truly international as we have students from all over the world, our students currently represent 19 different nations under one roof called Avicenna International College. 2. At the interview stage We cultivate a great interest in our future students, we need to see them first up and therefore we request a short introduction from you. What should it look like? We would like to see a short but nice presentation of your achievements that you are [...]

5 01, 2024


By |2024-01-05T16:04:20+01:00January 5th, 2024|Uncategorized|0 Comments

AIC SUMMER CAMP 2024 For Hungarian and International High School Students Avicenna International College (AIC) is an international institution accredited by the Hungarian Government (accreditation number: OM-201799) and several international accreditation bodies like Cambridge Assessment, College Board, FEDE, Pearson Edexcel, and NCUK. AIC is an elite educational institute located in the heart of Budapest, near prestigious universities such as Semmelweis University, ELTE, CORVINUS, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and the University of Public Administration AIC started its activities in 1995 by providing short courses for medical students studying in Budapest at Semmelweis University. Later, it [...]

14 12, 2023

Tudósítás az Avicenna Nemzetközi Karácsonyi Kiállítás és Vásár 2023 december 8-i megnyitó ünnepségéről

By |2023-12-14T19:39:24+01:00December 14th, 2023|News|0 Comments

Az Avicenna Holding első alkalommal megrendezett Avicenna Nemzetközi Karácsonyi Kiállítás és Vásárának megnyitó ünnepsége, 2023. December 8.- án, 16.00 órától vette kezdetét a cégcsoporthoz tartozó Avicenna International College fogadásokra is alkalmas nagy előadótermében. A  Tisztelet Társasága által is felkarolt rendezvény közel százötven meghívott vendége között olyan külföldi személyiségek is megtiszteltek bennünket, mint Bashar Samara úr, a Szíriai Arab Köztársaság budapesti nagykövetségének ügyvivője, valamint Jimmi Albert Andrade Colorado úr, a Venezuelai Bolivár Köztársaság budapesti nagykövetségének ideiglenes ügyvivője és több más diplomata. A megnyitó beszédek és magas rangú felszólalások sora Dr. Shahrokh MirzaHosseini, az Avicenna Holding és az Avicenna International [...]

14 12, 2023

Opening Ceremony of the First Avicenna International Christmas Exhibition and Fair 2023

By |2023-12-14T15:54:50+01:00December 14th, 2023|News|0 Comments

The opening ceremony of the Avicenna International Christmas Exhibition and Fair, organized for the first time by Avicenna Holding, commenced on December 8, 2023, in the large lecture hall of the Avicenna International College, which is part of the company group and is also suitable for prestigious events. Among the nearly one hundred and fifty invited guests of the ceremony, which was also supported by the Society of Honor, we were honored by such foreign dignitaries as Mr. Bashar Samara, Chargé d'affaires of the Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic in Budapest, and Mr. Jimmi Albert Andrade Colorado, Chargé d'affaires [...]

1 12, 2023

Az Avicenna Nemzetközi Karácsonyi Vásár kulturális programja

By |2023-12-10T12:37:16+01:00December 1st, 2023|News|0 Comments

December 09-én, szombaton A Trigatu indiai tánccsoport szórakoztatja vendégeit 15.00 órai kezdettel, mely 25 perces előadásában végigvezet minket legalább többféle indiai táncstíluson a klasszikustól a progresszív modernig. Majd az ezt követő tíz perces vietnámi klasszikus tánc bűvöli el két táncos hölgy kecsességével nézőit, a Vietnámi Nagykövetséggel felvett kapcsolatunk eredményeként. A fellépők sorát az Avicenna International College Két tanítási Nyelvű diákjainak fél órás zenés, táncos műsora zárja. December 08-án Nyitó Nap: Az ünnepélyes megnyitó és a szalag ünnepélyes elvágása után 17.00-kor a meghívott vendégek megtekintik az 500 nm-es karácsonyi pavilonban a nyitó előadásokat, mely a hiedelem szerint [...]

27 11, 2023

1st Erasmus group mobility at AIC in the 2023-24 Academic Year – Nocera Umbra

By |2024-01-05T14:54:33+01:00November 27th, 2023|News|0 Comments

Avicenna International College (AIC) is an international institution accredited by the Hungarian Government (accreditation number: OM-201799) and several international accreditation bodies like Cambridge Assessment, College Board, FEDE, Pearson Edexcel, and NCUK. AIC is an elite educational institute located in the heart of Budapest, near prestigious universities such as Semmelweis University, ELTE, CORVINUS, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and the University of Public Administration.  1AIC started its activities in 1995 by providing short courses for medical students studying in Budapest at Semmelweis University. Later, it developed its courses, and as far as today on the 27th year [...]

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