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1 09, 2021

Language Placement Tests

By |2021-09-01T18:24:33+02:00September 1st, 2021|News|0 Comments

Dear AIC High School Students, We hope you had a successful first day at Avicenna after the opening ceremony. Please take note of the following regarding this week's program. Thursday, September 2, 9:00 am: English language placement test for all NEWLY enrolled students in AIC High School Programs (Pre-High School, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12) Place: Room 209 You can take this exam electronically if you bring your own laptop or tablet. If you cannot bring such an electronic device you can do the exam on paper. Friday, September 3, 9:00 am: German language placement test followed by Hungarian as a second language placement test  [...]

12 05, 2020

Avicenna Mentor-Ambassador Program “AMA”

By |2020-05-12T14:49:21+02:00May 12th, 2020|News|0 Comments

The “Avicenna Mentor-Ambassador” policy is an initiative to engage the past and present students and teachers of AIC as well as the students and teachers of other schools, colleges, and universities to engage in the recruitment, consultation, education, and mentor activities of AIC in their free time. These activities are not considered full-time positions and will not adversely affect the studies or other major responsibilities of the students and teachers.

12 05, 2020

Avicenna Mentor-Ambassador Program

By |2020-05-12T14:03:52+02:00May 12th, 2020|Comments Off on Avicenna Mentor-Ambassador Program

Avicenna Mentor-Ambassador Program An Initiative For High School, College, and University Students and Teachers To Engage in Recruitment, Consultation, Educational, and Mentor Activities. INTRODUCTION The “Avicenna Mentor-Ambassador” policy is an initiative to engage the past and present students and teachers of AIC as well as the students and teachers of other schools, colleges, and universities to engage in the recruitment, consultation, education, and mentor activities of AIC in their free time. These activities are not considered full-time positions and will not adversely affect the studies or other [...]

14 03, 2020

The Hungarian Educational Authority Announcement

By |2020-03-14T23:35:01+01:00March 14th, 2020|News|0 Comments

The Hungarian Educational Authority Announcement The Hungarian Educational Authority has announced that from Monday all classes are canceled and schools should continue their classes online. Avicenna International College has already installed all necessary software and we have continued with our online education program one week earlier. With this instruction from the Hungarian Education Authority (OH), for the rest of this semester, all AIC classes will be held online. Please check the message and instructions of OH as follows in Hungarian. Tisztelt Intézményfenntartó! Az Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma megbízásából mellékelten megküldjük Dr. Maruzsa Zoltán köznevelésért felelős államtitkár úr intézményfenntartóknak szóló tájékoztató levelét a [...]

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